Sunday, June 8, 2014

Braid Out video tutorial!

So I've been getting a ton of questions and compliments on how I've been wearing my hair lately. Rather than making a blog post about it I decided to record a video! So here is exactly what I do to achieve this look: Enjoy! See you in my next post :)

Monday, April 28, 2014


Yuck! right? WRONG! Okay so it's a little exaggerative to say never because I do wash my hair and pretty often but not in the way most people are familiar with. A wash day for most goes a little something like this.
1) WAKE UP.. Flawless? (yes, I had too)
2) Step into shower with the mindset of tackling on the project that is your hair
3) Use shampoo
4) Use TOO MUCH shampoo
5) wash hair (lather/massage)
5) get shampoo in eye
6) Close eyes tight, rinse em all the while being terrified that a mass murderer has entered your bathroom quietly and now you are useless because you cant see a thing.
7) Rinse shampoo out
8) condition hair
9) rinse and DONE.

Thats a common process for most women, but its not my process. In fact I rarely if ever use shampoo. *QUE THE DON DON DONNNNNNN music. Yes I am not a fan of shampoo. It can be very stripping, damaging, and dry your hair out in many ways. So heres how to keep your hair from being an oily monster without stripping it of all its fabulousness

whats co washing you ask?
conditioner washing. Simply put you replace your shampoo with a conditioner. Your conditioner of choice. For thin hair I suggest a cleansing conditioner because you are going to need something to soak up that oil from time to time. For thicker hair I suggest a moisture rich conditioner. Once you've made your choice; Lather your hair up with as much as your heart desires because heck conditioner can do no wrong in my eyes. Its not as drying as as shampoo and adds moisture when needed. After lathering simply rinse it out with colder water. I say colder rather than cold because no one wants to be a freezing popsicle in the shower so just go as cold as you can handle. This step is going to help lock in the moisture as well as close the cuticle of your hair follicles and allow for your hair to be less frizzy.

I am a firm believer of water washing and co washing and staying as far away from shampoo as possible. Now this can be a transition process. For anyone who washes there hair religiously try weening off the shampoo slowly. So if you wash every day, next week try washing every other day, then every three days etc. etc. Slowly incorporate more co washes and before you know it you'll be saying goodbye to that shampoo in no time.

*** disclaimer: yes I WASH my hair with shampoo, but at most once a month and with a  sulfate free shampoo! See yall in my next post!! take care loves :)