Sunday, June 8, 2014

Braid Out video tutorial!

So I've been getting a ton of questions and compliments on how I've been wearing my hair lately. Rather than making a blog post about it I decided to record a video! So here is exactly what I do to achieve this look: Enjoy! See you in my next post :)

Monday, April 28, 2014


Yuck! right? WRONG! Okay so it's a little exaggerative to say never because I do wash my hair and pretty often but not in the way most people are familiar with. A wash day for most goes a little something like this.
1) WAKE UP.. Flawless? (yes, I had too)
2) Step into shower with the mindset of tackling on the project that is your hair
3) Use shampoo
4) Use TOO MUCH shampoo
5) wash hair (lather/massage)
5) get shampoo in eye
6) Close eyes tight, rinse em all the while being terrified that a mass murderer has entered your bathroom quietly and now you are useless because you cant see a thing.
7) Rinse shampoo out
8) condition hair
9) rinse and DONE.

Thats a common process for most women, but its not my process. In fact I rarely if ever use shampoo. *QUE THE DON DON DONNNNNNN music. Yes I am not a fan of shampoo. It can be very stripping, damaging, and dry your hair out in many ways. So heres how to keep your hair from being an oily monster without stripping it of all its fabulousness

whats co washing you ask?
conditioner washing. Simply put you replace your shampoo with a conditioner. Your conditioner of choice. For thin hair I suggest a cleansing conditioner because you are going to need something to soak up that oil from time to time. For thicker hair I suggest a moisture rich conditioner. Once you've made your choice; Lather your hair up with as much as your heart desires because heck conditioner can do no wrong in my eyes. Its not as drying as as shampoo and adds moisture when needed. After lathering simply rinse it out with colder water. I say colder rather than cold because no one wants to be a freezing popsicle in the shower so just go as cold as you can handle. This step is going to help lock in the moisture as well as close the cuticle of your hair follicles and allow for your hair to be less frizzy.

I am a firm believer of water washing and co washing and staying as far away from shampoo as possible. Now this can be a transition process. For anyone who washes there hair religiously try weening off the shampoo slowly. So if you wash every day, next week try washing every other day, then every three days etc. etc. Slowly incorporate more co washes and before you know it you'll be saying goodbye to that shampoo in no time.

*** disclaimer: yes I WASH my hair with shampoo, but at most once a month and with a  sulfate free shampoo! See yall in my next post!! take care loves :)

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

DIY Banana Avocado Deep conditioning treatment

Off work on a Tuesday Night and can't sleep. I know what I'll do.. make a post about my do it yourself (in case you didn't know what DIY meant) banana and avocado deep conditioning hair treatment. I love this treatment! It leaves my hair so soft. Its all natural, cheap, and most importantly easy to make. Here's what you'll need. 

For Thick Hair
2 Bananas
1 Ripe Avocado
Coconut Oil (or oil of your choice)
Food Processor (Magic bullet, blender, etc)

For Thinner Hair
1 Banana
1/2 Ripe Avocado 

First you're going to unpeel the banana(s) and drop them into whichever food processor/magic-bullet/blender of your choice. I suggest breaking the banana in half. You can use your hands for this. No need to to cut it up into nice little pieces because its just going to get blended all together. Next, remove the avocado from its skin and dump that into your food blender as well.

Now get to blendin'! Blend the banana and avocado until you get a creamy conditioner like texture. After doing so add 2 tablespoons of oil and 2 tablespoons of honey to your mixture. Once added, continue to blend the mixture for 10-12 more seconds. 

Once fully blended you should have a creamy texture that reminds you of any other deep conditioner. Now before you get ahead of yourself and start spreading this all through out your hair. Take a second to strain the mixture with a metal or cloth like strainer. (A strainer is the the same thing you use to dry spaghetti noodles, every household should have one). It is important to strain your conditioner to eliminate all banana/avocado chunks. You do not want to walk around with whole banana chunks in your hair! Trust. After you strain the mixture you'll have a nice green moisturizing deep conditioner ready to go! Leave it on overnight or rinse out after 45 minutes to 1 hour. Water rinse only with cold or warm water but not HOT! try to rinse it out with the coldest temperature you can handle. The colder the better! Hope this picture tutorial helps :) Try it out, let me know how it works :) Happy hair journey. 

Thursday, October 31, 2013

5 Months of Hair growth 

How I grew my hair in 5 months!
Yes I did! The picture on the left was taken 5 months prior to the picture on the right. Below is my hair regimen. DISCLAIMER: This regimen is not for the weak hearted! It took some elbow grease and TLC so this is definitely not the lazy man or woman's hair regimen. Now before you get too discouraged! Don't! Step away from that X button! Dont give up just yet. It sounds complicated but its really not. You really only need a few things

Deep Conditioner
Oil of your choice

That's it! Its how you use the products that matter :) Now lets get started.

BI weekly regimen
Co-wash once every 2 weeks: For those who aren't aware of what co-washing it is its just washing your hair with conditioner only rather than shampoo because shampoo can be very drying especially for African American hair. After I cowash I seal my hair with either Wild Growth Hair oil or my holy grail coconut oil

Co-Wash I use
Herbal Essence Hello Hydration
Why Hello Hydration? This is my favorite conditioner because of the slip and its extremely moisturizing and smells Amazing! and it really makes my kinky 4a hair super soft!

Deep Condition once every 2 weeks: Deep conditioning is similar to co-washing except you use a conditioner that is specifically used for extra moisture or protein. Because I am very active and consume a ton of protein through out the week I don't really use protein based conditioners, but for those who don't it is important to incorporate it into your regimen. 

Deep conditioner I use
I actually make my own deep conditioner with
2 Banana
1 avocado 
2 squeezes of honey
2 tablespoons of Coconut oil
Why I make my own? Well for starters its way cheaper All in all you spend like 2 dollars on banana and avocado (since I already have honey and coconut oil around the house) And its all natural. I don't have to worry about silicones and reading the label for all kinds of confusing big words I don't understand. When I make my own deep conditioner I know exactly whats in it.

GHE 5X a week (overnight): GHE stands for green house effect. It sounds scary but its simple. I spray my hair with water (That is the only moisturizer I use unless I'm styling a braid out or something). Then seal the hair with coconut oil and massage the oil into my scalp for about 5 minutes. After doing so I Wrap my hair or put it into a ponytail and put on a silk/satin bonnet, shower cap, then scarf. Yes 3 layers! Yes you gonna be looking like aunt Jemima but the layers are creating a steam like moisturizing green house effect for the hair and leaves my hair very moisturized over night.

And that's it! I usually bun my hair during the week or Ill be in between protective styles such as Senegalese twists or individual braids. Also my regimen changes when I'm wearing my hair straight/flatironed/pressed. A post about that will be coming soon! I hope this helps and if there's any confusion leave your comments below! or if there's anything you'd like too see a post about let me know. Happy hair journey :)

Allow me to introduce myself....

First off let me introduce my self, My name is Hov, H to the ov... Not really, My name's Angelica. I go by Angel. I am a 21 year old Californian and this soon to be oh so exciting blog is dedicated to my hair care journey. I've always been the girl with a lot of hair. Its never been incredibly long or anything but I've always had a lot of it. I remember going from salon to salon and always hearing the "girl you got some thick hair!" I am incredibly thankful to my Mother's genes however I never really knew how to take care of my hair. I was in the shop every 1-2 weeks putting excessive heat in my hair which I've now figured to be waayyyy to much but I couldn't help it, I was a salon rat! It wasn't until last December I realized something had to change. Due to a horrid bleach job my hair began falling out by the chunks. Thankfully my hair was incredibly thick so it really wasn't obvious to anyone but myself. But I could not handle the unevenness and decided to even it up and chop it off into a bob. The picture on the left is before my cut. You can see where the bleach had grown out and you can kind of see the gaps and thinness where chunks of hair had fallen out. The picture on the right was my SUPER FLY bob. I loved that bob! I do miss it at times but remind myself not to get scissor happy. "Remember your goal Angel". After my cut I decided to embark on my healthy hair care journey. Which consists of a variety of protective styles and all kinds of goodies that I'll explain in my posts to come. I hope this blog can be a help to anyone out there just trying to grow their hair (I spits hot fire just so you know). Lets grow together :)

Sunday, June 30, 2013

blogging virginity gone.

I write because I can, I write because I will. Xoxo I dont have a vibe to kill.