Wednesday, November 6, 2013

DIY Banana Avocado Deep conditioning treatment

Off work on a Tuesday Night and can't sleep. I know what I'll do.. make a post about my do it yourself (in case you didn't know what DIY meant) banana and avocado deep conditioning hair treatment. I love this treatment! It leaves my hair so soft. Its all natural, cheap, and most importantly easy to make. Here's what you'll need. 

For Thick Hair
2 Bananas
1 Ripe Avocado
Coconut Oil (or oil of your choice)
Food Processor (Magic bullet, blender, etc)

For Thinner Hair
1 Banana
1/2 Ripe Avocado 

First you're going to unpeel the banana(s) and drop them into whichever food processor/magic-bullet/blender of your choice. I suggest breaking the banana in half. You can use your hands for this. No need to to cut it up into nice little pieces because its just going to get blended all together. Next, remove the avocado from its skin and dump that into your food blender as well.

Now get to blendin'! Blend the banana and avocado until you get a creamy conditioner like texture. After doing so add 2 tablespoons of oil and 2 tablespoons of honey to your mixture. Once added, continue to blend the mixture for 10-12 more seconds. 

Once fully blended you should have a creamy texture that reminds you of any other deep conditioner. Now before you get ahead of yourself and start spreading this all through out your hair. Take a second to strain the mixture with a metal or cloth like strainer. (A strainer is the the same thing you use to dry spaghetti noodles, every household should have one). It is important to strain your conditioner to eliminate all banana/avocado chunks. You do not want to walk around with whole banana chunks in your hair! Trust. After you strain the mixture you'll have a nice green moisturizing deep conditioner ready to go! Leave it on overnight or rinse out after 45 minutes to 1 hour. Water rinse only with cold or warm water but not HOT! try to rinse it out with the coldest temperature you can handle. The colder the better! Hope this picture tutorial helps :) Try it out, let me know how it works :) Happy hair journey. 

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